[SCC Practice 1] Smartedit Infinite loading…

Smartedit infinite loading

Sometimes we face issues like the images below when opening smartedit page, and we don’t see any error in the log console. Solutions Open localextensions.xml file and trace with the list extensions below: To ensure sure that the access rights are correctly set up so that you can log in to SmartEdit, you must do one […]

Materials Java SE 11


We have 2 main books to learn Java SE 11. One for theory and one for practice. There 2 books also used to prepare for your examination with code: 1Z0-819 Disclaimer: these 2 books are the intellectual property of Scott and Jeanne authors, and are being sold on the Amazon website. I share them with […]

Generate CSV File


In this post, we will use printwriter library to export data to csv file. View the video for more detail:

SAP Hybris Tutorial – CMS Create Custom Template | Unit 2

Hybris create custom template

To create a page, we need to choose a template for the page. We can use the existed template or can create a new template for this page. In this post, we will cover how to create a new template for the page. Step 1: Create a new page templateStep 2: Set component slots name […]

SAP Hybris Tutorial – CMS Create Custom Component | Unit 3

Hybris create custom component

Today, we will create a Youtube Video Component and include this component into: “Contact Page Template” Steps:1. Define Item Type Component in *item.xml file2. Define Impex to init data for component3. Create Controller and JSP page for this component4. Update the JSP page template and include the components5. Verify the result 1. Define Item Type […]