Hybris Tutorial – Import Hybris Project into Intellij | Eclipse IDE | Unit 1 – Part 2


In this post, we will lean how to import our Hybris project into common IDE.

Part 1: Import Hybris Project into Intellij IDE

  • Install plugin: SAP Commerce Developers Toolset by EPAM Systems
    • 1. Open File > Setting > Plugin
    • 2. Search the plugin by name > Install
  • Steps to import:
    • 1. Click on File > New > Project from existing sources…
    • 2. Navigate to bin folder of your hybris project. > click ok
    • 3. Choose Import Project from External Model > choose hybris
    • 4. Click on next to keep every setting as default.
    • 5. Change your JDK version (if any)
    • 6. Click on finish to import Hybris Project.

Part 2: Import Hybris Project into Eclipse IDE

  • Install Tool: SAP Hybris Commerce Development Tools for Eclipse x.x
    • On menu click Help > Eclipse Marketplace…
    • Search the tool name > install
  • Steps to import:
    • On menu click File > import > SAP > Import SAP Platform > Next
    • Platform Home: Browse to platform folder of your Hybris project
    • Select on all other options.
    • Click on Finish to import project.

Congratulation.!!! We did it.

In the next post we will learn how to create custom template in WCMS.

Happy coding.!!! <3

<<< Hybris Introduction | Hybris Installation

Hybris Create Custom Template >>>

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