[SCC Practice 6] Reduce the build and startup time
NOTE: We can apply the one-by-one method above; we are not required to use all of them. Ref: https://community.sap.com/t5/crm-and-cx-blogs-by-sap/best-tips-to-reduce-build-time-of-sap-commerce-cloud/ba-p/13563311
[SCC Practice 5] Adding new populator for productData as product options.
There is a list of options to populate product data. We might see the list of configurations below: Each option has a corresponding populator, and they will populate product data in order. If we want to create a new populator to populate some new attributes for product data, like specifications, we will do the following […]
[SCC Practice 4] Abort Cronjob – Enable Abort Action
In the previous post Hybris Tutorial – Cronjob | Task Schedule | Export Order Data to CSV | Unit 8, we learned the way to create the cronjob. But we don’t know how to stop it when it is executing. So in this post, we will learn about the way to abort cronjob. By default, […]
[SCC Practice 3] Customize The Media Urls

In this post, we will learn about how to custom the media url as our expected. As usual, we upload a media file, the media URL will contain some text like “..?context=…”, if we share this URL and after a period of time, we can not access that URL anymore because the new version is […]
[SCC Practice 2] CMS Component Visitor

The Visitor helps us to catch the change value on the reference attributes of components. NOTE: It won’t work for partof=”true” attributes. Steps: 1, Create a visitor java file. 2, Register the visitor bean into context. 3, Map the cms visitor with the Component model Let’s go. 1, Create a visitor java file. OOTB also […]
[SCC Practice 1] Smartedit Infinite loading…

Sometimes we face issues like the images below when opening smartedit page, and we don’t see any error in the log console. Solutions Open localextensions.xml file and trace with the list extensions below: To ensure sure that the access rights are correctly set up so that you can log in to SmartEdit, you must do one […]